Mornings that are both creative and productive lead to days that are both creative and productive. These are six morning routines that can help you live a better life and your level of success in every area of your life is influenced by how you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof).

S.A.V.E.R.S. of the Miracle Morning Life:

  1. Silence - Every morning, begin with at least 5 minutes of focused silence.
  2. Affirmations - Make it a habit to be self-assured and effective in all you do.
  3. Visualization - Consider what you want to accomplish and mentally practise what you'll need to do to get there.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Reading - Learn from the experts and follow in the footsteps of accomplished people who have already attained their goals.
  6. Scribing - Writing allows you to record your observations as well as any potential opportunities.


Spend some time in stillness, concentrating on your breathing and being present. Allowing all ideas to pass through your head and focusing just on your body and the air. It can take the shape of meditation, prayer, deep breathing, or simply reflecting on life and being grateful for it.


Clarify what you want in life, why you want it, and what you need to do and be regularly in order to live the life you truly desire. Create sentences with enough emotional punch to inspire compelling life beliefs.

Some of the affirmations on my list include:

Ideas for new projects come readily and regularly.

I am on track with my goals and objectives.

I meet the appropriate individuals and have the correct discussions with them.


To strengthen your mind-body connection, read your affirmations aloud and incorporate your physiology.


Visualization is a technique used by top athletes to improve their performance by picturing how they will perform. Determine what you truly desire in life. What are your long-term objectives, greatest wishes, and life-altering dreams?

Visualize yourself having accomplished that goal, as well as completing and appreciating the effort that is required to reach it. That latter aspect is something we often overlook, but it is critical because actions and exceptional work are the means by which we achieve our goals.


Exercise in the morning should be a part of your regular routine. Even a few minutes of exercise in the morning raises your energy, improves your health, boosts your self-confidence and emotional well-being, and allows you to think better and concentrate longer.


Reading is one of the quickest ways to acquire the knowledge, concepts, and techniques you'll need to succeed at Level 10 in any aspect of your life.
The trick is to learn from the professionals—those who have already completed the task at hand. The quickest method to get anything you desire is to follow in the footsteps of successful people who have already accomplished it.
Make a daily commitment to read at least 10 pages.

How to read: 

  1. Start at the finish and work your way to the beginning. Consider why you're reading the book—what you hope to gain from it—and keep that in mind as you read.
  2. You can read religious texts during your reading time.
  3. In the margins of books, underline, circle, highlight, and make notes.
  4. Read good personal development books over and again.


Writing can help you gain clarity in your life by allowing you to reflect on your discoveries, thoughts, and accomplishments. It's a form of self-therapy. You can write about what you're grateful for, what you wish to improve in your life, make plans for future actions, or simply keep a diary of the interesting things that happened the day before.

Morning pages are used by many creatives to clean their heads. Morning pages require you to write three pages of whatever comes to mind. Don't worry about spelling mistakes, handwriting, or thought structure; just write. It may be challenging at first, but once you get started, you'll be astonished at how quickly your creative flow develops.

Try journaling to get to know yourself better.

How to Establish Habits That Will Change Your Life (In 30 Days)

Divide the 30-day period required to establish a new positive habit (or to eliminate an old, negative habit) into three 10-day phases.

[First 10 days] Phase One: Unbearable

The first 10 days of starting a new habit or breaking an old one can be excruciating.
However, these first ten days, which appear to be intolerable, are only “temporary.” It just gets easier from here, with the added bonus of being able to create whatever you desire in your life.

[Middle 10 days] Phase Two: Uncomfortable

The second 10-day phase is much easier, but it still demands commitment and discipline on your part.
It will still be tempting to revert to your previous habits at this point. Maintain your dedication.

[Last 10 days] Phase Three: Unstoppable

The final 10-day period is critical for long-term success with your new habit. The last ten days are spent positively reinforcing your new habit and associating pleasure with it.
Phase Three is also the point at which your new habit becomes ingrained in your personality. It bridges the gap between what you're attempting and who you're becoming. You begin to regard yourself as a habitual performer.

6-Minute Rules from Miracle The Busy People

  1. Sit quietly and deliberately in silence.
  2. Read your affirmations aloud from beginning to end.
  3. Visualize how it will look and feel when you achieve your objectives.
  4. Write down some of the things you're thankful for, what you're proud of, and the outcomes you want to achieve that day.
  5. For 1 minute, read a self-help book.
  6. Make your body move.