Aim: - To implement Stack using array.






void push(); void pop(); void display();


int top; int a[5];


void main()


int choice; char ch; top=-1; clrscr(); do


printf("\n\t 1. PUSH");

printf("\n\t 2. POP");

printf("\n\t 3. DISPLAY");

printf("\n\t 4. EXIT"); printf("\nEnter your choice"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice)


case 1: push(); break; case 2: pop(); break;

case 3: display();

break; case 4:

exit(0); default:

printf("\nBAD CHOICE");


printf("\ndo you want to continue y/n"); ch=getche();





void push()


int item; if(top==4)

printf("STACK IS FULL");



printf("Enter the item to be inserted"); scanf("%d",&item);

top=top+1; a[top]=item;





void pop()


int item; if(top==-1)

printf("STACK IS EMPTY");



item=a[top]; top=top-1;

printf("%d is deleted",item);




void display()


int i; for(i=top;i>=0;i--)

