Showing posts with the label C- Language LABORATORY MANUALShow all
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order using Heap Sort.
the list of numbers in ascending order using Radix Sort.
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order using Quick Sort.
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order using Merge Sort.
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order using Selection Sort.
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order using Insertion Sort.
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order using Bubble Sort.
To Search an element using binary search.
To Search an element using sequential search.
Implementation of binary search tree using array.
Implementation of circular queue using array.
Implementation of stack using array.
Implementation of queue using array.
Calculate factorial of a number using recursive function.
To Create fibonacci series using recursive function.
Implementation of linked list using array.
To copy a string into another string.
To Concatenate two string.
To multiply two matrix A and B.
To add two matrix A and B.