Aim: To simulate and analyze the performance of QAM in AWGN environment. To calculate i)SNR ii)PS…
Explore more »Aim: To simulate and analyze the performance of M-ary PSK by plotting its signal waveform, BER, P…
Explore more »Aim: 1. To generate a amplitude shift keyed signal with different message signal and carrier sign…
Explore more »Aim: To Simulate the operation of Binary Phase Shift Keying using MATLAB. Algorithm: 1 . Clear co…
Explore more »Aim: To generate a BFSK signal in the AWGN environment. Program: clc; clear all; close all; f=20…
Explore more »Aim: To perform the sampling operation on the message signal with sampling frequencies and recons…
Explore more »Aim: To estimate bit error rate in fading channel. Program: clc; clear all ; close all % Sampling…
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