Showing posts with the label Microprocessor and Microcontroller LABORATORY MANUALShow all
To write a C program to transfer the data in the switch to the LED using I/O Ports in PIC.
To write an assembly language program to generate the square waveform of equal  duty cycles of 10ms using PIC16F877.
Develop an 8051-program using KeilC to interface an elevator using I/O ports for solving a moving elevator to the user selected floor and once the elevator reaches the desired floor, automatically come back to the ground floor after some delay
To write a C Program to interface DC motor with 8051 Microcontroller
 To write a C program to run a stepper motor in clockwise/anti clockwise motion with  different step pattern
To write a C program Convert a particular analog input to its corresponding digital  data using ADC
To write a C program to generate Sine/Square/Triangular waveforms with different frequency and amplitude using DAC
To write a C program to transmit/receive the character using timer1 mode2, operating at a baud rate of 9600 and display the character using UART
To Write a C program to generate a square waveform having equal duty cycles of 20ms using timer 1 mode 1 operation without the use of pointers. Assume crystal frequency 24 MHz
Write a C program that reads in characters from the input stream and store it in ascending /  descending order using Data Pointers
To perform the following code conversion process using 8086 microprocessor kit fpr Decimal to Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal to Decimal
To write an assembly language program for Find square root of a number and String Manipulation – Reverse a String using 8086 Emulator
To write an assembly language program to perform various arithmetic and logical operations using 8086 Emulator