Aim: To write a C program to transfer the data in the switch to the LED using I/O Ports in PIC. Alg…
Explore more »Aim: To write an assembly language program to generate the square waveform of equal duty cycles …
Explore more »Aim: Develop an 8051-program using KeilC to interface an elevator using I/O ports for solving the…
Explore more »Aim: To write a C Program to interface DC motor with 8051 Microcontroller Algorithm: Step 1: Sta…
Explore more »Aim: To write a C program to run a stepper motor in clockwise/anti clockwise motion with different…
Explore more »Aim: To write a C program Convert a particular analog input to its corresponding digital data us…
Explore more »Aim: To write a C program to generate Sine/Square/Triangular waveforms with different frequency …
Explore more »Aim: To write a C program to transmit/receive the character using timer1 mode2, operating at a b…
Explore more »Aim: To Write a C program to generate a square waveform having equal duty cycles of 20ms using tim…
Explore more »Aim: Write a C program that reads in characters from the input stream and store it in ascending /…
Explore more »Aim: To perform the following code conversion process using 8086 microprocessor kit. 1) Decimal t…
Explore more »Aim: To write an assembly language program to perform the following operations using 8086 Emulat…
Explore more »Aim: To write an assembly language program to perform various arithmetic and logical operations …
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