Introvertedness is a preference for environments that are not overstimulated. Finland is a famous introverted country. Finnish joke: How do you know if a Finn likes you? He's staring at your shoes instead of his shoes.

In personality culture, the ideal self was serious, disciplined, and honorable. What was important was not so much the impression one makes in public as it is how one acts in private. But as they embraced the personality culture, Americans began to focus on how other people perceived them. They became fascinated by bold and amusing people. The social role required of everyone in the new personality culture was that of the performer.

Extroversion is less prevalent in Asia and Africa than in Europe and America, where its population is largely descended from global immigrants. Travelers around the world were more open than those who stayed home. The Americans found themselves not working with their neighbors but with strangers. Facing the question of how to make a good impression on people with whom they do not have civil or family ties.

He worked a summer job in China. He was shocked at how different social norms he felt, and how comfortable he felt. In China, there has been more emphasis on listening, asking questions rather than sticking to and putting others' needs first. In the United States, he feels, the conversation is about how effective you are in turning your experiences into stories, while the Chinese might be interested in eating up too much of the other person's time with insignificant information.

Peter Drucker: The most effective leaders had little or no charisma and little use of either the term or what it meant.

Most company leadership work takes place in small meetings and is done remotely, through written and video communications.

One of the best leaders: This guy lost focus when he interacted a lot with people, so make time to think and recharge.

Extroverted leaders enhance group performance when employees are passive, but these introverted leaders are most effective with proactive employees.

Introverts are more likely to say they can express "I" online.
It has always been special occasions that make me feel connected to the joys and sorrows of the world, often in the form of outreach to writers and musicians, I will never meet in person.

Unity between the writer and the reader, "that fruitful miracle of communication in isolation."

WHEN COLLABORATION KILLS CREATIVITY The Rise of the New Groupthink and the Power of Working Alone

"I am a horse for a single harness, not cut out for tandem or teamwork, for well I know that to attain any definite goal, one person must do the thinking and the commanding." by ALBERT EINSTEIN

Considering what Wozniak did right after meeting at Menlo Park. Have you met with fellow club members to work on computer design? No, was he looking for a large, open office space full of clowns and mooch that ideas could pollinate in? No. When you read his account of his working process on his first personal computer, the most striking thing is that he was always alone.
work on your own. You will be better able to design revolutionary products and features if you are working on your own.
Teach our children to work independently.
Some people want to get along with the group, and some people want to be independent. Often the most creative people fall into the latter category.
Open source attracts introverts.
Only when you are alone can you engage in deliberate practice, and exceptionally creative people in the arts, sciences, business, and government, many of his subjects were on the social fringes during adolescence, in part because intense curiosity or focused attention seemed strange to their peers.

Kafka: “I once said that you would like to sit next to me during I writing. Listen, in this case, you cannot write at all. Because writing means revealing oneself to excess; this is the maximum amount of self-disclosure and surrender, which In it a person, when engaging with others, feels that he loses himself, and therefore, he will always shrink as long as he is in his right mind. For this reason one cannot be lonely enough when he writes, why is there never enough silence around one when he writes, Why even night is not night enough. "

Research shows that electronically brainstorming groups, when properly managed, not only do better than individuals; The larger the group, the better it performs.

Participating in an online workgroup is one of its forms of isolation.

Population density is related to innovation; Despite the advantages of a quiet walk in the woods, people in busy cities benefit from the network of interactions that urban life provides.

Four-month-olds who hit their arms like rock musicians did not because they were open in the making, but because their little bodies were reacting vigorously - they were "highly reactive" - to new sights, sounds, and smells. The quiet children weren't silent because they were introverted in the future - quite the opposite - but because they had nervous systems that were not affected by novelty.

Highly reactive children pay what a psychologist calls "mindful attention" to people and things. They literally use eye movements the most to compare options before making a decision. It's as if they are processing the information they receive about the world more profoundly - sometimes consciously, sometimes not.

Many high-reaction people become writers or choose other intellectual careers where you are in charge: you close the door, remove the curtains and do your work. You are protected from unexpected things.

People who inherit certain traits tend to look for life experiences that reinforce those characteristics. Less reactive kids, for example, risk playgrounds since they are young children, so by the time they grow up they don't care about the big risks.
Scientists have adapted mice to associate a specific sound with an electric shock. Then they played that sound over and over without shock until the mice lost their fear. But it turned out that this "forgetfulness" was not complete as scientists originally thought. When they severed the nerve connections between the rat cortex and the amygdala, the mice became fearful of the sound again. This was because fear conditioning had been suppressed by cortical activity, but it was still present in the amygdala.

The same happens in humans who have unjustified fears, such as fear of photophobia or fear of heights. Frequent trips to the top of the Empire State Building seem to quell fear, but they may come back again in times of stress.

Organize your life with optimum levels of excitement.

Set up your business, hobbies, and social life so that you spend as much time as possible inside your sweet spot.

Introverts work better than extroverts when they are sleep-deprived.

Mild functional guilt may foster future altruism, personal responsibility, adaptive behavior in school, and harmonious, competent, and good relationships with parents, teachers, and friends.

Highly reactive introverts sweat more.

When someone serves you a beer, "They say really hello, have a cup of extravagance."

Bedouins who have inherited a particular gene variant associated with extraversion (specifically, to look for a novelty) feed better than those who do not have that version of the gene. But in sedentary populations, people with the same genetic form are malnourished. The same traits that make nomads fierce enough to hunt and defend livestock against raiders may impede more sedentary activities such as farming, selling goods in the market, or concentrating in school.

Sensitive people tend to talk quietly because this is how they prefer others to communicate with them.

WHY DID WALL STREET CRASH AND WARREN BUFFETT SUCCEED? The Differences in How Introverts and Extroverts Think (and Process Dopamine)

Extroverted customers are likely to be more sensitive to reward, while introverts are more likely to focus on warning signs. They are more successful at regulating their feelings of desire or excitement.

Introverts are much better at creating a plan, sticking to it, and being very disciplined.

Extroverts are distinguished by their propensity for rewards, from top dog positions to sexual orgasms to cold cash. It's been found that they have greater economic and political ambitions and fun than introverts. Even their sociability is a reward-sensitivity function that, according to this open-minded view, they communicate socially because human contact is pathological in nature. What lies behind all this reward pursuit? The key appears to be a positive emotion. Extruders tend to feel more fun and excitement than stimulated introverts.

In response to the pursuit or seizure of some resource, it is evaluated. Enthusiasm is running over the expected takeover of this resource. Joy follows her family.
Of the sixty-four investment bank traders, the best-performing traders tended to be the emotionally stable introverted ones. It also appears that extroverts are better than extroverts at delaying gratification.
Extroverts are better than introverts at dealing with information overload. I Reflecting introverts consumes too much cognitive ability.
Einstein, who was a brilliant introvert, said I It's not like this I. "I that means I to continue with problems for a longer period."
I introverts think before they act, absorb information completely, stay on task for longer, give up easily, and act more accurately.
If you are interested in a reward:
1. When I get something I want, I feel excited and energized.
2. When I want something, I usually do my best to get it.
3. When I see an opportunity for something I love, I get excited right away.

4. When good things happen to me, they affect me badly.
5. I have very few worries compared to my friends.

In a flush state, feel neither boredom nor anxiety, and do not question your sufficiency.

Flow often occurs in circumstances where people become so independent of the social environment that they no longer respond exclusively in terms of rewards and punishments. To achieve this autonomy, a person must learn to offer rewards for himself.

Some activities are not related to approaching or avoiding, but rather to something deeper: the achievement that comes from engaging in an activity outside of yourself.

Warren Buffett is proud not only of his track record but also of his "internal scorecard" following. The world is divided into people who focus on their instincts and those who follow the herd. "I I feel like I on my back, and there's the Sistine Chapel, and I'm painting away. I like it when people say, 'Oh my God, that's a nice-looking painting. "But it's my drawing, and when someone says," Why don't you use more red instead of blue? "Goodbye. It's my drawing. I don't care what they're selling for. The painting itself will never end. That's one of the great things about it."

Their peers in Canada avoid shy and sensitive children, but they prefer playmates in China, where they are also more likely than other children to take leadership roles. Chinese children who are sensitive and reserved are said to be dong xi (understanding), a popular term for praise.

"Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know." by LAO ZI which means Individuals in Asia see themselves as part of a larger group - be it a family, a company, or a community - and they place immense value on harmony within their group. They often subordinate their own desires to group interests and accept their place in the hierarchy. On the contrary, Western culture is organized around the individual. We see ourselves as self-contained units; Our destiny is to express ourselves, to follow our bliss, to be free from undue self-control, and to achieve the one thing we alone have come into this world to do. We may be social, but we are not submitting to the will of the group, or at least we do not like to think we do. We love and respect our parents, but we resort to concepts such as the piety of children, with the consequent dependence and restraint. When we meet with others, we do so as self-contained units that enjoy, compete with, and outperform other units, competing for a position with, and yes, affection.

Westerners value boldness and verbal skill, which are traits that enhance individuality, while Asians value calm, modesty, and sensitivity, which enhance group cohesion. If you live in a group, things will go much more smoothly if you act with restraint and even submission.

Due to honoring relationships, for example, a social anxiety disorder in Japan, known as taejin kyofushu, does not take the form of excessive anxiety about self-embarrassment, as it does in the United States, but rather of embarrassing others.
Hiroshima survivors apologized to each other.
In Asian cultures, there is often a subtle way to get what you want. It is not always aggressive, but it can be very assertive and very skillful. In the end, a lot has been achieved because of him. Aggressive force hits you. Soft Power Overcomes You.
Gandhi's passivity was not a weakness at all. It meant focusing on an end goal and refusing to divert energy into unnecessary skirmishes along the way.

 I naturally form a habit of restraining my thoughts. An A reckless word that rarely escaped my tongue or my pen. Experience has taught me that silence is part of the spiritual order of those who call out the truth. We find many people who are impatient to speak. It cannot be said that all this talk is beneficial to the world.

I introverts can act like extroverts for work they consider important, people they love, or anything they value most.

I don't really like being a guest at someone else's party because after that I have to be fun. But I'll be hosting parties because it puts you at the center of things without actually being a social person.

Pay attention to what you envy. Jealousy is an ugly emotion, but it tells the truth. You mostly envy those who have what you want.

You can also create a reconciliatory niche during the meeting, by carefully choosing where to sit, and when and how to participate.
Move away from the center. That small physical distance felt more comfortable for me, and let me read the room and commentary from a perspective that's a little removed.
It's a free theme agreement when you attend your extrovert friend's wedding, engagement ceremony, and bachelorette party, but it understands when you skip the group's three-day pre-wedding activities itself.
Introverts like people they meet in friendly contexts; Extroverts prefer those they compete with.
Venting does not calm anger. Feed it. We are at our best when we don't allow ourselves to go to our angry place.
People who use botox, which prevents them from forming angry faces, seem to be less likely to get angry than those who don't because the very act of frowning stimulates the amygdala to process negative emotions.

We all write the stories of our lives as though we were novelists, as MacAdams believes, with beginnings, struggles, turning points, and endings. The way we characterize our past setbacks profoundly affects how satisfied we are with our current lives. Unhappy people tend to view setbacks as pollutants who have ruined something otherwise good (“I am no longer the same again after my wife left me”), while fond adults see it as a blessing in disguise (“The divorce was the most painful thing that ever happened to me,” But I am a lot happier with my new wife.”)